
Our team is dedicated to helping prevent disease in your pet. One of the best ways to make that happen is through regular wellness checks. A yearly examination for younger pets, or every 6 months for our seniors, along with routine vaccination and regular bloodwork, helps your pet to live a long, happy, and healthy life. 


Keeping your pet up to date on their routine vaccinations is important to keep your pet healthy. Many diseases, such as rabies and distemper, are completely preventable through vaccination, while others such as kennel cough or influenza are much less severe. 

Tennessee state law states that all dogs and cats over 6 months of age must have a rabies vaccine given by a licensed veterinarian.

Core Vaccines Recommended by the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA)


  • Rabies

  • Feline viral rhinotracheitis*

  • Calicivirus*

  • Panleukopenia*

    *Given in a combination vaccine


  • Rabies

  • Distemper*

  • Parvovirus*

  • Adenovirus

  • Parainfluenza*

    *Given in a combination vaccine

We offer all the core vaccinations recommended by AAHA, plus Bordetella, canine influenza (both strains), Lyme disease and leptospirosis (4 strains) for dogs and feline immunodeficiency virus for cats.

Puppy & Kitten Care

We see puppies and kittens of all ages. Start your new family member out with an examination and their vaccination and deworming series as soon as you bring them home to give them the best start in life that you can.  We will also provide advice on the proper time to spay or neuter your new family member, help you begin training, and advise you on the nutritional needs of your pet. 

Microchipping your pet early helps to ensure a speedy reunion if your pet is ever lost. A microchip is about the size of a grain of rice and is implanted just under the skin using a needle and syringe, just like a vaccination. Therefore, there is no need to wait for your pet to be a certain age or size. Our team can implant your pet’s microchip at their first visit.

Senior Care

What is a senior pet? The age pets are typically regarded as ‘senior’ depends on their overall size. A small breed dog would be considered a senior at about 10 years old, while a large or giant breed dog would be considered a senior at about 7 years old. 

As your pet ages, their needs change. We are here to help you make aging as easy as possible for your senior pet. We will screen for aging related health conditions, advise on changing nutritional needs and provide treatment options for arthritis.  

Parasite Prevention

Year-round parasite prevention helps to keep your pet comfortable and healthy. Fleas and ticks not only cause uncomfortable bites for both you and your pets, they also carry diseases that can be fatal. Heartworm infection in dogs is a deadly condition that is both difficult and expensive to treat. We stock several types of preventatives and are happy to help you decide which is right for your family.

Nutritional Education & Management

You know that eating a healthy and nutritious diet is essential to your pet’s wellbeing. But a pet’s diet can also play a role in the management of many health conditions from a sensitive stomach and obesity to allergies and skin conditions. Our doctors are happy to advise you on the best food for your pet.